
Sunday, May 27, 2007

Spider Man 3

Two and a half stars out of four. Harsh, isn't it? Well, it had problems. It was too long, and there were some parts that made me think "Why am I even subjecting myself to this?". It didn't start to get anywhere near good until halfway through. It didn't become worth the price of admission until the fighting started at the end. Had too much relationship drama between Peter and Mary Jane. I mean, this is a movie based off of a comic strip. I didn't go see it because I wanted to see a couple having issues. How about acting? Well, Tobey Maguire was best when he wasn't acting like the normal Peter Parker. James Franco, Topher Grace, and Thomas Hayden Church were great, and they are the primary reason for the extra half star. Kirsten Dunst...never liked her in these movies, and I generally don't watch any of her other films. Perhaps she's a good actress, but I've yet to see it.

Spider-Man 3

The Reaping

Two stars out of four. A rather generic supernatural flick. I don't remember much about it...don't even remember who was in it. I guess I was a bit disappointed, just expected more after watching the previews. But that's the way movies are these days...the best parts are in the previews.

The Reaping


Three stars out of four. This is my attempt at catching up, sorry. Good guy flick, also good if you just like guns. Perhaps not worth buying, but at least worth seeing.
